Past Events


Darkness Radio, Michael Biehn, Jennifer Blanc Biehn, Peter Sherayko

Dave Scrader and Tim Dennis spent a weekend at the Buford House interviewing a host of interesting people for their Podcast Darkness Radio. First up was Micheal Biehn, who played Johnny Ringo in  the movie “Tombstone”. He was joined by his wife Jennifer Blanc Biehn who has played many roles over the years, one being Kendra in “Dark Angel”

Other guests included Peter Sherayko who played Turkey Creek Johnson in the movie “Tombstone” and who is  a recognized historian, actor and author. Another set of interviews included local historian Tim Fattig and Buford House owners Catherine Farrell and John Goodspeed. John spoke mostly about his ICUC sensors that he has deployed in the house to pick up paranormal happenings such as temperature changes, unexplained sounds and activity. Catherine talked about paranormal activity that she has experienced in the house.  The event was organized by Tombstone local actor Lincoln Leveare. 

View Pictures from event

Deep South Paranormal

Dwight and Rhonda Hall from Beelieve Paranormal organized “A Haunting in the Desert” for a weekend long of paranormal investigations throughout the town of Tombstone and at the Buford House. Special guests included Kevin Betzer and Randy Hardy from Syfy’s Deep South Paranormal. 


Haunted Collector, Britt Griffith 

John Zaffis, Brian J Cano and Beth Ezzo from the hit show Haunted Collector came to Tombstone at the invitation of Beelieve Paranormal to investigate many of the haunted locations in Tombstone. Besides the Buford House they visited the Masons lodge located upstairs in the historic Schieffelin Hall. 

Britt Griffith from Ghost Hunters was also at the event lending his paranormal investigating expertise. 

Among the many attendees for the event was author Debe Branning and of course the organizers of the event Rhonda and Dwight Hull. 

During one of the paranormal investigations John Zaffis picked up on a spirit that was lingering around the house. A young woman who was purposely drowned in the old downstairs bathroom. Evidently she is buried under the huge pine tree just outside the house. 

View Pictures from event

A Haunting in the Desert - 2016

This eventful weekend welcomed special guests Brian J Cano from Haunted Collector, Larry and Stacie Overton from Syfy’s Ghost Mine and Dan Baldwin author and pendulum dowser. The Hulls organized a jam packed weekend with investigations and seminars for the lovely group of attendees that came to town. 

Brian J Cano appeared in the documentary “Tombstoneland” which was filmed  while he stayed at the Buford along with the Creator/Director W. Scott Mason and Producer Claudia De La Tour. 

Watch Tombstoneland


John Goodspeed and Claudia De La Tour sporting Buford House T-shirts. 


A haunting in the Desert - 2015

The first Haunting in the Desert showcased Larry and Stacie Overton from Syfy’s Ghost Mine.  

Ghost Mine is a fascinating amalgamation of reality TV with a gold mining aspect and night-vision ghost hunting. The mix of these two sub-genres provide a hand-in-hand approach to the gold mining industry which has traditionally been surrounded by ghost stories.


Haunted Arizona

When Rhonds and Dwight Hull approached us to host a paranormal event at the Buford House we had recently bought the house and were still getting used to owning and living in a famously haunted house. Intrigued by this new world we had joined we excitedly said yes. I had enjoyed the show “Fact or Faked” and was excited Ben Hansen was coming to town. We also got to meet renowned Psychic Chip Coffey. 


Chip Coffey with Catherine in the Buford House dining room. 

Contact Us


Mailing Address

Catherine Farrell
PO BOX 1868
Tombstone, Arizona 85638